Some expanded universal remotes support additional functions like back, home, up, down, right, left, replay, options,play/pause, reverse scan, and forward scan. Most universal remotes support Power, volume, Input select. Continue to hold both keys for about three more seconds. Press and hold the Power button while continuing to hold the device button. we have provided the programming instructions for each remote next to the codes.Īs the Roku Tv has some roku specific functions that are not available on universal remotes. Make sure to keep the remote pointed at the device. Want to pair your RCA universal remote Heres an easy guide on How to Program RCA Universal Remote Control with code and without code. To control your Roku Tv with your cable, satellite or universal remote find the code corresponds to your device or component. Heres an easy guide on How to Program RCA Universal Remote Control with code and without code. Instructions for controling Roku TV with Universal Remote control. Ever wondered how to use your universal remote control with Roku, yes you can control your Roku Tv with universal remote.